Monday, June 15, 2009


wkwkwkwk..... the last few weeks is just undescribable!

Happy...sad.....tired...excited....angry...disapointment... grateful! duh klo bahasa indo nya mah udah kayak makan gado2.... semua sayur jadi satu...yang doyan yang gak doyan... diaduk semua!

Lets start with one.....

soooo.... GRATEFUL that He gave us a WHOLE week...(the week before that was just raining the whole lot of time) and yesterday.. on Sunday...the rain start pouring again.... was just the right weather... right timing.... simply because my GOD's timing is P E R F E C T!

Thanks to Jaz too for helping us alot.. also...ko jamz....Cicil....and franklin... wont be able to finish the painting til today otherwise.... >.<

Its just great to have a God who knows what you need.... When i started to get so tired... He send Jaz pop out of nowhere to help.. hahahhaa... even though only one day.. he managed to help us finish undercoating almost the whole unit! hahahha thanks Jaz.... Man's strength are really different!

Talkin about Man's power...strength.... Man... hahaha.. dunno its that different until now. =p

How mighty You who create man =)

Monday, June 01, 2009

kangen tau ga sih???? pengen ngobrol... pengen berbagi...
*sigh* is this how much i deserve?
when you asked me what happen.....
wanna tell u i deserve more than what it is now...
i really wish you would understand...
uughh.......... i wonder if God is just an excuse of something you are not willing to fight for?
I hope not........


where are you? T.T