Wednesday, October 20, 2010


David Choi lagunya enak juga yahh ternyata... tadi dengerin "That Girl" sama "By My Side"..
sama d'cinnamons.. "Ku yakin Cinta" juga enak..

duh di kantor tapi gak pengen kerja.. gimana yaa? XD

pengen cepet2 dapet kerjaan baru.. yahhh? yah Father?

belakangan ini... kata2.. "there's always Hope" selalu terngiang2...
God has something better...
Hope for the future...

aghh.. i do believe.. but plz help me o Lord... slap me in the face or something..
coz this heart always dragging... im running but always looking to the past..
so all i get is just .. jatuh2.. kesandung sana sini.. nabrak kanan kiri...
when will i reach my destiny if i keep doing so?

kalimat ini juga sering terngiang2... "Love... sometimes when the person you love reject your love... its not your fault... stop blaming urself for it.."
hmm... maybe its right...
but everytime i think that ive lost my _ _ a _ i just cant stop these tears to fall down..
owhh well.. since last sat prayer meeting...
ive decided.. ill let u go my _ _ a _...
i pray that u'll find what u're looking for..
ill be the 1st one to be happy to see you back on track with our Father...
ill try my best to leave everything behind and look forward for the future..
ill miss u a lot... but... yeah... sudahlah.... *sniffs*

ndaaaaa.................... thank u for being there.. ^^
im so happy that i could find you...
Ci.. and Ko.. juga... icha juga.. hahaha jadi malu perasaan sering ketangkep icha pas lagi 'netes'
hahhaa.. cici stella juga.. XD (walo ga bkalan baca blog ini...) well banyak sih yang gak bakalan baca.. tapi thank you yahh.. esp U God... what would i be without U.. Ur never ending mercies and grace... dont give up on me yet o Lord.. please dont... ill one day be that Great woman U created me to be..

for now.. i need to keep those (-)vity out of my mind..
coz... everytime i see them.. i cant help myself but to compare..
feel sad and down.. T.T
errhh.. Semangat Julya Semangat! U are in the process of being the one God created U to be!

udah ah hari ini ya? hehehe..back to work.. err.. trying to work! =)